Friday, August 25, 2006

Plague Watch: 2006

I thought I'd have a snazzy, eye-catching title like the news shows do, hence the title of this blog. You know how the news is: get a catchy title and people will tune in for more information. Like: "A common child's toy emits deadly rays. Is your child playing with it right now? Story at 11." Or: "Popular food products infected with brain-destroying bacteria. Are you eating it right now? Join us tomorrow at 5 pm."

Matthew is doing somewhat better today. He started eating more this afternoon and had little, if any, fever today. Finally! Fortunately, no signs of the plague.

Since the strep throat/viral infection/black plague wreaked havoc on our plans for the week, back to school shopping will be tomorrow. Brandon, needless to say, is less than thrilled. I will try to make the shopping experience as painless as possible for all involved. A couple pairs of jeans, pair of shoes and a back pack and I think we'll be done. Maybe I can tempt him to the mall with a trip to Chick-Fil-A. (Or maybe I just want to go to Chick-Fil-A. Yeah, that's probably it. I have done so well with my Chick-Fil-A addiction. It's been months since I've been there. Just one chicken nugget won't hurt . . . )

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