Thursday, August 24, 2006

Infection: Day 3

IF this had been strep, Matthew should have been better this morning. He wasn't. In fact, his fever was just as high as it was yesterday. He still had a fever as of 7 pm tonight. He's eating a little and drinking lots of chocolate milk and water. He also insists on sleeping in our bed, on my pillow, and being within two centimeters of me while he's awake.

Today, however, Daddy was my substitute while I went to work. Daddy reports they watched Shark Tale (1.5 times), Toy Story 2, The Incredibles and The Wiggles. Yea, Daddy! He took a most needed 3 hour nap today after foregoing his nap yesterday and making us all more miserable(Matthew, that is, not Daddy).

Of course, Brandon's first day of school is Monday, so I'm sure he'll come down with the mystery illness this weekend, just in time. Brandon may be immune, having had his fair share of illness in the past. I guess we'll just wait and see.

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