Sunday, February 26, 2006

It's Official: I'm a Nerd

On the way home from work, I often listen to one of two radio stations: our local NPR or 106.5 "The Arch". NPR, of course, is National Public Radio, and "The Arch" plays anything in the Top 40 from 1970 to today.

Last week, as I was driving home, I turned on NPR and listened to an interview of a guy who loves condors. California condors. In fact, he's written a book on condors and their survival. I listened intently as he described the effort in the 80's to save this bird. Before I knew it, I had listened to that interview all the way home.

It then occurred to me: I had listened to a guy talk about a scavenger bird for 15 minutes. And I was INTERESTED. I'm such a nerd.

For those of you who are just as nerdy as me, here's an excerpt.

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