Sunday, August 19, 2007

The New 'Do

Yes - blurry picture, I know. But here's the new hairdo. I still can't believe it's not frizzy. I hope to be able to repeat the results tomorrow. We'll see about that.

Chris's mom brought Matthew home this morning - he had a great time and didn't have any problems with homesickness. He reported that one of her dogs jumped in the bathtub with him last night. He thought that was hilarious. I hope he doesn't get any ideas about poor Binki. She hates going to the groomers, so I'm sure she won't appreciate a bath from Matthew.

This week we'll embark on another school year routine - I can't believe that it's here already! I keep thinking that September is so far away, but really, it's not. This summer has just flown by and I know Christmas will be here before I know it. I am looking forward to cooler weather - I love the crisp fall mornings and evenings and the change in the leaves. I think we're in for another hot week, though. Come on fall!


Leslie said...

I love the new hairdo!

Kristi said...

So do I! I'm glad to see an updated picture of you!