Sunday, August 26, 2007

Emergency Weekend

As I type this, Chris is in the hospital with unspecified abdominal pain. At least, that's what they tell us, anyway. It all started Friday night about 20 minutes after dinner - Chris had severe, sharp upper abdominal pain with back pain. Thinking it might be kidney stones (again) we went to the local ER. A CAT scan did not show any kidney stones (other than the ones that are congregating in the kidneys) and the pain medication relieved his pain. Blood tests were okay. So we went home and Chris felt better.

Saturday after lunch, Chris had the same sharp abdominal pain. We tried to call his doctor's 24 hour number, but no one answered. What's the point in having a 24 hour number if no one's going to answer? Anyway, it was back to the ER. The doctor (strangely named 'Dr. Paino') thought it might be gallstones, "sludge" or pancreatitis. In any event, he admitted Chris so they could watch it, keep him from eating and run more tests. His pancreatic enzymes were up from the night before.

So now we're waiting to see what tests they're going to run or whether they're going to discharge him home. We're heading back to the hospital (with a detour to Blockbuster for some DVDs to keep Chris occupied). More updates to come.

1 comment:

missy said...

Oh my gosh!! I hope he feels better soon - and they figure out what is wrong pronto! We're thinking about you! If you need ANYTHING - please let us know - bringing you guys food, giving the kids a ride to school, bring you work (if you even want to work), bringing books (I have all 7 Harry Potters ready to go!), CDs, DVDs - anything - just let us know.