Wednesday, August 22, 2007

First Day of School Report

Today was Brandon's first day of 5th grade at his new school. I was really nervous about it, thinking back to several of my 'first days' in a new school. I was not what you'd call a 'social butterfly' by any means and was rather reclusive and quiet, which caused me to make only a few friends by mid-year. Maybe it was the glasses. Or the braces. Or the hair, but I wasn't very self-confident. (All that has changed now, so don't worry; sometimes I'm a little too self-confident.)

Anyway, childhood trauma aside, Brandon made friends today - before he even got on the bus. He met a kid at the bus stop named Sam, who evidently is one of the only set of twins in the whole school. (Brandon didn't bother to get the other twin's name because Sam is in his class and he just didn't have the time to extend pleasantries to someone not in his class. I encouraged him to get Sam's twin's name name, because hello? - another friend the same age in our neighborhood. Brandon agreed that might be a good idea.)

He had a good day. He said he didn't learn anything but it was only the first day, after all. I told him I planned on complaining to the teacher about the lack of homework and his eyes got really big. I was just kidding. I think he enjoyed school - he did agree to go back tomorrow.


Kristi said...

So reminds me of the first days at MGCS! Do you remember the first days when I was in 5th grade and you in 6th with Mrs. Clarkson? You know, I saw her in Opp, AL on a chorus trip several years ago. She looked just the same. I'm glad Brandon had a good day.

Janet said...

It sounds like a success. Hope the next day goes as well. I finally got around to creating a family blog, if you are interested. We just moved from Shawnee this summer to Abilene so we have a little bit of news to share. Hope you are all well.