Monday, April 23, 2007

In Our House, Just A Few Minutes Ago . . .

The weather has been very nice and the boys have been playing outside in the evenings. Today, Brandon and Matthew brought in a roly-poly to keep, you know, as a pet. I gave them a plastic container to keep him in and told Brandon that the roly poly needed some habitat - some dirt, grass, etc. to make him feel at home.

Brandon: (on his way to go find dirt) Matt, watch the roly poly and make sure he doesn't get out of the container.

Matt: (enthusiastic) Okay!

(Brandon leaves the house.)

Matt: (To himself) If the roly poly gets out, I'm gonna kill him.

Me: No, Matt, you put him back in the container if he gets out.

Matt: (Like he never thought of that before) Oh . . . okay!

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