Monday, April 23, 2007

In Our Car, Earlier Today . . .

Me: We should eat fish tonight, Matt. What do you think?

Matt: Fish come from water.

Me: Yes! Fish come from water.

Matt: That's yucky! We don't eat fish from water!

Me: Yes, we do. All fish come from water.

Matt: Right. Sharks come from water. We don't eat fish from water.

Me: Where do the fish we eat come from?

Matt: The store.

Me: Well, where does the store get their fish?

Matt: They get their fish on Brentwood. (Brentwood is a street nearby.)

Me: Really? The stores get their fish on Brentwood? What are the fish doing on Brentwood?

Matt: They're flopping around.

Me: That's interesting. So the stores get their fish off of Brentwood and we eat those fish?

Matt: Well, the stores get their fish from the freezer.

Me: Oh. Where does the freezer get its fish?

Matt: Fish are yucky. I don't want fish.


Leslie said...

I knew Matthew would wise up and take after his Aunt Leslie. Fish are yucky!!!

Bradford L. Stevens said...

I agree with Matthew that fish are yucky; but, I find myself eating more of them these days.

Would you have Chris send me an e-mail? I am getting bouncebacks from the e-mail address that I have for him? Thanks!