Monday, October 30, 2006

We're Number 1!

In baseball and crime. Not that those two actually go together, but you know, someone's gotta be number one in crime. We've surpassed Compton, California, y'all -- outstanding.

All sarcasm aside, St. Louis does indeed have many troubles. The city of St. Louis, that is. I repeatedly try to make that distinction to our family members so they don't worry too much -- we live in the county of St. Louis. The city of St. Louis is its own special place. We live probably a mile or two (as the crow flies) from the city limits of St. Louis, in a wonderful neighborhood where the children walk to school, the neighbors know each other and the police have nothing better to do at 2:43 a.m. than to write parking tickets. (We know this first hand!)

I hope that St. Louis will work on its problems -- the crime rate, the very poor public education system and hopefully the city will be lower on the list of crime ridden cities next year.

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