Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Marketing Genus

Grocery stores are evil. First, they put all the expensive, marshmallow-y, sugar laden cereals near the bottom so your toddler can see the Shrek on the box and beg for it. This causes parental guilt after you tell him 'no' and the child begins to cry bitterly and the old lady coming down the aisle wonders why you are being so mean to the little angel -- after all, he just wants a box cereal.

Today, Matthew wanted to cook dinner for us again -- chicken nuggets, beans, yellow rice and white jello (I don't know what white jello is). So I stopped by the store to see if I could find white jello. I checked out at the self-scanner since I only had a few items. Matthew immediately dropped a Snickers bar into the basket, which I retrieved and replaced.

While I scanned the items, the boys became very quiet. My first hope was that they were standing quietly waiting for me to finish, but then I got real and thought they had run off into the store. That was also not correct. Evidently, Matthew had grabbed some candy off the display behind me and he and Brandon were wrestling silently on the floor in the middle of all the self scanners. Several people were just watching the event.

I grabbed the boys to leave and silently cursed the grocery store for having candy near the checkouts. Evil. Pure evil.

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