Thursday, March 02, 2006

Dangerous Game

Scene opens at home. Brandon, aged 9, and Matthew, aged 2, are blissfully sitting on the couch, reading story book. Mom is in the kitchen, dutifully chopping vegetables for a healthy, well-balanced dinner.

Brandon: MOM!
Mom: (Running into living room.) What?
Brandon: Matthew bit me!
Mom: He bit you?
Brandon: Yes -- he just bit me on the finger!
Mom: Matthew, don't bite! No, no! Biting is ugly. Tell your brother you're sorry.
Matthew: (meekly) Sorwy, Bandon.
Brandon: That's okay. We were playing this new game, "How Do I Taste?" and he just bit me.
Mom: What do you mean you were playing "How Do I Taste?"
Brandon: Well, I gave him my finger, asked him how I tasted, then he was supposed to lick it and tell me what it tastes like.
Mom: Brandon, he's TWO. He doesn't understand that he's not supposed to bite you if you willingly offer him your finger. What do you expect to happen by playing "How Do I Taste?" with a two year old?

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