Thursday, March 23, 2006

Colors of the Rainbow

Not much going on around here. Snow has melted, but it's still a little chilly. I went to Panera today and had a different kind of soup, Chicken and Wild Rice. You know . . . I like to shake things up a bit from time to time. Shock the system, step out of my comfort zone.

Speaking of comfort zone; today when I left work, I walked out of our building and immediately noticed this woman standing in front of Starbuck's. She was yelling, so of course I noticed her. She was yelling "RED! RED! R-E-D!" As I walked by, she yelled, "WHITE! BLLUE! BLLLUUUUEEE!" I didn't stay around to hear if she was going to go through all the colors of the rainbow.

I felt really sorry for her, especially with the fact that as I passed by, cops were coming around the corner for her. I guess Starbuck's didn't want her scaring away their customers.

I pause here momentarily while trying to decide if I should get on the old soapbox about the state of mental health care, our treatment of the homeless and availability of prescriptions to those who need them . . . eh, I just don't have the energy. I'll leave it at this: try to imagine yourself in their place and do something to contribute to the good of society. End of soapbox.

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