Friday, December 16, 2005

Reading is FUN

One day last week I picked Matthew up from day care and found his cubby stuffed with brand new books. Classics like "Pat the Bunny," "Dumbo" and "Pig Parade." I asked his teacher about them, because my first thought was it was something I had ordered and forgot about. She said, "No, we had visitors today with an early childhood reading program, and they brought brand new books for all the children."

I was impressed. The teacher then said, "Oh, here. The girls left everyone an autographed picture."

The girls?

Oh, she means these girls:

I hope they wore more clothes, especially because the high that day was about 25 degrees. And these children aren't too far removed from nursing, if you know what I mean.


Anonymous said...

RE: your blog Sept 22, 2005

I noticed on the photo of the "girls" it was addressed to "Matt". Is he still calling himself "Matt" instead of "Matthew"?

Melissa said...

He calls himself Matthew most of the time, but he does refer to himself as "Matt" once in a while. I guess it's going to be up to him.

Of course, we were prepared for the nickname. Chris and I argued over naming him, because I wanted to name him "Daniel" but I didn't want anyone to call him "Danny." (Chris didn't like either of them.) Anyway, I can live with "Matt."