Monday, December 12, 2005

A Christmas Time Apology

OK, Mom and Dad, I just want to apologize if I EVER drove you crazy by begging to open Christmas presents early. And when I'd gripe and whine, you used to say, "Your children are going to do the same thing to you one day," I'd secretly think, "Yeah, right." But now that I'm thirty-something and my kids ARE acting like I did, I find myself telling them, "One day your kids are going to . . ." Then I pause and flash back through centuries of grandparents telling parents telling children the same thing and understand that life is just a big cycle and that King Solomon was right when he said, "There is nothing new under the sun."

Anyway, the whole reason I'm issuing this apology is because Brandon is driving me crazy by begging to open Christmas presents early. Since all of our family is scattered about the country, gifts have been arriving and we've been putting them in the designated gift corner. (Alright already! We're putting the tree up this week!) And Brandon and I almost came to blows today when he begged, nay, demanded to open gifts as they arrive.

I suddenly became evil incarnate and told him that he would NOT be opening presents early, he's missing the whole point of Christmas and he's making me miserable with the incessant begging! So stop right now or your Nintendo DS will be under someone else's tree and you'll be stuck with only the Old Navy Performance Fleece I bought you last week and a package of socks! OK, I wasn't that bad, but I did try to impress upon him that gifts will be opened at the designated time and that time will be announced sometime next week.

So, the whole point of this is, Mom and Dad, if I ever drove you bonkers begging to open Christmas gifts, I'm sorry. Believe me, I'm paying for it now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandchildren are wonderful!!