Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Ahhh . . . Solitude . . .

Matthew is in bed finally. He's had a cold, and being the "active" child that he is, cold medicine only seems to make him more "active."

(I use the word "active" because that's how so many people describe him; I believe it's a euphemism for "Oh my gosh, how do those people cope with a kid like that? He would drive me crazy. If they'd just spank/beat/punish/love/ground/put the kid on some mind altering medication/take him out of day care/feed him only whole grain breads and organic veggies, he'd be an angel." Wrong.)

Anyway, I am having a nice quiet moment, surfing the web without interruption and visiting a few of my favorite sites. Chris is in the living room watching "Love Actually" (don't tell him I told you that) and also enjoying the quiet. Brandon is upstairs playing his allotted 30 minutes of video games. We're all enjoying the solitude.

Oops. It's 8pm. "House" is on. Got to go. . .

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