Saturday, October 20, 2007

Halloween Preview - 2007

Brandon is a Star Wars Clone Trooper and Matthew is, of course, Spiderman. Evidently, I am a bad mom for waiting until now to get Brandon's costume, because I had to go to four different places to find this outfit. The stores are completely picked over. Brandon was determined that he was going to be a Clone Trooper or nothing - and he was not letting me forget his disappointment. I was leaning toward the 'nothing' but went to one last Halloween store this morning and found the costume. Now if the costumes can survive until Halloween . . .

(And yes, Brandon specifically posed as if he was going to decapitate Spiderman. He has a warped sense of humor. I think it's hereditary.)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I like the boys' costumes. Grant is going to be a cowboy, if his costume arrives in time. I ordered it off of ebay over a week ago and the seller just shipped it. Tell the boys we miss them and can't wait for Thanksgiving!