Monday, October 29, 2007

First Frost

We woke up to our first frost on Sunday morning. I always like the first frost and the first snow. I love the crisp mornings and watching the leaves change. On average, according to NOAA, the first snowfall in St. Louis occurs on December 1st, so only about a month to go!

However, after that, it's not so much fun. Things I DON'T like about cold weather:

Cold, windy days
Getting out of bed on cold mornings
Static electricity
Getting dark at 4:30 pm
Walking the dog
Lack of green

Things I do like about cold weather:

Thanksgiving and Christmas
Christmas decorations
Tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches
Soup in general

1 comment:

Kristi said...

Yes to the soup. I have gathered quite a collection over the years...