Sunday, September 09, 2007

Ow . . . .

I am so sore. All over. We bought a couch yesterday for our media room/library/basement and Chris and I made the mistake of thinking we could load/unload/move the couch into the basement all by ourselves. He, just recovering from gallbladder surgery and me, not so much a weightlifter. We were WRONG.

First of all, the couch has two reclining ends, so it's heavier than a regular couch. Secondly, it's a larger couch and our house has smaller doors, so getting said couch through said doors was a feat of, well, magic and Herculean strength. All in all, I have pulled and injured random muscles all over my body. In our effort to stuff the couch through doorways, we also injured the wall in a couple of places, so I'm going to have to fix that.

Anyway, the couch is finally in the basement and IT'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE. EVER. Now it makes the walls look in need of a fresh coat of paint. I also have to hide the surround sound speaker wires that are draping down from every corner of the room. Lowe's, here I come!

I am thinking that I will wait a couple of days for my sore muscles to heal before starting any other projects. I'm also considering consulting a personal trainer and working out so I'm not so sore next time I have to move heavy objects.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

Sounds like something we would have tried. When we moved into our house Stephen and I almost single-handedly moved all of the furniture. The worst was the 10 seat diningroom table!!

I can't wait to see pictures of the house!