Monday, August 27, 2007

Medical Update

Chris is out of surgery and doing well. He had his gallbladder removed this afternoon. The doctor said it was a particularly bad case and he will probably be in the hospital for two more days. He has to see a gastroenterologist tomorrow because they had to leave some gallstones in - now they have to go back and get them.

But he's in good spirits (just a little stir crazy) and looking forward to coming home. Thanks to everyone for their concern, offers of help and prayers!


Bradford L. Stevens said...

Please let Chris know that prayers are being lifted up for him to fully recover. Having had that same surgery, I can relate. Tell him we will treat him to a big Mexican dinner when he is ready for that!

God bless,

Leslie said...

I am glad everything went well. Keep us posted as he recovers.

Kristi said...

I'm glad that surgery went well, and hopefully there won't be much to getting/dealing with the remaining stones. Keep up posted!

Anonymous said...

Tell Chris he is in my thoughts!! At least the worst is over, now he can focus on recovering. I'm sure the boys can't wait for him to come home.

missy said...

We're thinking about you here if you need anything! Good luck to Chris (and you and the kids)!!!