Monday, July 23, 2007

Harry Potter: Completed

Not going to go into the story of Harry Potter, you should definitely read it for yourself, as it is one of the foremost literary works of our time, but I am going to say: J.K. Rowling delivers another great story and I am very sad to think that the series is complete. If you haven't read the series, do yourself a favor and go directly to the library or bookstore and find out for yourself.

This is how it went down at our house Friday night:

11:30 p.m. Friday: I'm already in bed, Chris comes in the room and states he will be going to pick up his copy of The Deathly Hallows. I inform him that we pre-ordered the book at a store 20 miles away; was he sure he wanted to go get it? With a Red Bull in hand, he stated yes, he was prepared to get it and would not be able to sleep without reading some of it. So off he went.

Evidently, he stayed up until 5 am reading it and got almost halfway through. I woke up about 8 am, poured the kids some cereal and started reading. Chris got up about noon and required the return of his book. Not wanting to have a major fight over Harry Potter, I went to Target and bought my own copy because I didn't really want to share. The rest of Saturday was spent reading. Don't worry, the kids were fed; no child neglect here.

11:30 pm Saturday: We have both finished all 759 pages. In less than 24 hours.

Yes, I realize I am a geek - but not quite on the level of actually dressing up and attending the launch parties. (Although we do have a Gryffindor robe from one of Brandon's Halloween costumes.)

1 comment:

missy said...

Note to all: Melissa is a GENIUS and predicted pretty much everything that would happen in this book! I agree that I can't believe it's actually over. Not sure what I'm going to worry/obsess/stress over now. :)