Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Stomach Bug

I started feeling bad yesterday. Aches, general feeling of not-so-good. I spent a rather sleepless night tossing and turning, being too hot, too achy, too uncomfortable. At 5:45 this morning, I knew I was in trouble. This is the first stomach bug I've had in probably 20 or 25 years. I hate throwing up. So much so that I had only one small bout of morning sickness during my pregnancies - I hate being sick so much that I willed myself NOT to have morning sickness. (I think. Maybe I just had really good pregnancies. I don't know.)

Chris was able to get the kids up, dressed and to school on time this morning. He then came home and informed me that he, too, had the stomach virus. Great. That means it's only a matter of time before Brandon and Matthew come down with it.

I've spent the morning resting, nibbling on crackers and sipping water. And spraying every door knob, bathroom fixture, and kitchen surface with Lysol. I hope the kids don't come down with it. Brandon has his big field trip to Jeff City tomorrow and a second field trip to the courthouse on Friday. He'll be so upset to miss either of those. Anyway, I'm starting to feel a little bit better, hopefully I'll make a full recovery in time to take care of the kids.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I promise we didn't give it to you! We had it last week. I hope you will be feeling better soon!