Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Moose: Replacement Parent

Matthew has a difficult time falling to sleep without someone laying down with him. This is really time consuming, as one of us has to lay down with him, wait until he falls asleep, correctly judge that he is asleep, then try to get up without disturbing him. More often than not, I'm greeted with a "Where are you going, Mama?" when I try to leave his room. Then we have to start all over.

The past two nights, I've forced allowed Moose sleep with Matthew. This has been an acceptable alternative to Matthew, and Moose likes it that we're letting her sleep on the bed. So it's a win-win situation right now. Until Moose has fleas or something like that, then Matthew won't be as eager to let her on the bed. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

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