Thursday, November 09, 2006

Conversation with a 3-Year-Old, Or Admit, Admit, Admit

Remember a couple of months ago when I wrote about Matthew's technique to get out of trouble? Well, he's perfected a new skill. Now it's like I'm trapped in some Monty Python skit where everyone agrees with what you're saying when you expect them to disagree. Like showing up for a debate and after your first point, your opponent says, "Yeah, that's a really good point. I agree with you wholeheartedly."

Now the conversations go something like this:

Mom: Matthew, why is this rug wet?

Matthew: Because it's wet.

Mom: Yes, I know it's wet. Did you pour out your cup of water?

Matthew: Yes!

Mom: Matt, why did you pour the water on the floor? That's not nice.

Matthew: (As if exasperated with the cup.) I KNOW! That's SO ugly!

Mom: Yes, that's very ugly, Matthew. Don't pour water on the floor.

Matthew: Yes! NEVER pour water on the floor!

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