- Matthew, just don't fall over the side. (I should have said, Matthew get off the banister.)
- Is this . . . pee? On your . . . pajamas? Why?
- Matthew only gets in the cage when he wants to.
- Lincoln Logs are a fire hazard.
- I wonder if these are treated in arsenic. (Refering to Lincoln Logs.)
- Daddy's gone all Dog Whisperer on us.
- Back in the day, we couldn't save our games on Mario Brothers. You started playing, and you had to either finish or die.
- There will be no television, no computers, no i-pod, no DS, no game cube . . . it will be all "Little House on the Prairie" around here! (Threatening the children. They have no idea what "Little House on the Prairie" is. I also have to give Random Husband
creditprops for the analogy of the "Little House.") - I've mislocated that file.
What is happening to my brain? Synapses are not firing. Maybe they've mislocated their signal receptors.
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