Monday, August 07, 2006

So Tired

With Brandon in Texas and Chris working tonight, it was just me and Matthew for the evening. We weren't home 10 minutes before poor Matthew was in time out for touching the DVD player. Then, while in time out, he wrote on the wall. So, more time out. I don't think he's getting the idea.

Anyway, after dinner, I was sooo tired. The prospect of having to watch Matthew by myself while I'm sleepy sent visions of destruction through my mind. So I had him pick out a movie and we went up to his room and watched it. We laid down and within seconds, I was nodding off. All of a sudden, this small finger yanked my left eyelid up and I heard, "Don't go to sleep, Mama."

I said I wouldn't, so watch the movie. A few minutes later, another eyelid yanking. Then Matthew began rolling back and forth all over the bed -- most likely in an attempt to keep himself awake.

In the end, my dastardly plan worked. He fell asleep without major incident and I can go downstairs and have a great big slice of peanut butter pie. Yum!

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