Sunday, April 30, 2006

Weekend Update

We finally got the bugs worked out of the computer (by having to buy a new one), but now we can surf the internet without it disconnecting after 4 or 5 page loads. We've spent much time trying to solve this problem with our internet provider, but they could not figure it out. This has been going on since last summer. We tried different modems, all to no avail. Finally, we gave up and purchased a new computer.

Matthew and I spent Saturday straightening the house. He helped me by microwaving a roll of paper towels, by putting dry fettucine pasta in an electrical outlet and spraying 409 cleaner all over the kitchen cabinets. Homeowners, he's available to rent for a very affordable fee. Just be sure your homeowner's policy covers "acts of toddlers."

Please forgive me if I don't blog more tonight. If you read the prior paragraph, you may understand that I am creatively drained.

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