Friday, April 14, 2006


In the first 2 minutes of attempting to driving the car today:

1. Matthew set off the car alarm by pressing all the buttons on the remote door lock thingy before we even got out of the house.

2. I had to switch the car seat from one car to the other; uncovered massive amounts of crushed Goldfish crackers glued to my leather seats by a thin film of sticky Capri Sun fruit juice.

2. I ran over a traffic cone. I kept driving. I thought it would look funny to the construction crew if I got out and set it back up.

3. I had to stop on the side of the road and close the trunk lid. (I think it was open because Matthew had pressed every button on the remote door lock thingy. I also waited until I was out of the construction crew's view before doing this. No need for them to report an inebriated driver at 8:00 am.)

Hope your day started off a lot more . . . shall we say . . . "normal." Although the items listed above are a totally normal way for me to start off my day. Sometimes I wonder if anyone else has days like this.

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