Friday, March 17, 2006

Ahhh . . . Back to Normal . . .

Thank you for bearing with us during the previous problems. I have remedied the blog problem (I thought I had destroyed the blog by trying to change some of the template myself . . . bad idea) and the phone problem, although we are having to use dial up for the time being. The moving problem is another story, but that, too, shouldn't be too big a deal.

This week Matthew has decided that he is officially a big boy. He corrects us now when we refer to him as "baby," which is really hard not to do, since he has been referred to as "the baby" even before his birth; now going on a good three years. He says, "No, not baby: Matt." He has also instructed me to sit in the car while he goes into Brandon's school to pick Brandon up; he's not quite big enough for that yet.

The weather here is going to get yucky soon, with snow forecast for the areas north of us. I am so ready for spring. It is totally not fair that I can see into Busch Stadium from my office and watch all the people having fun, watching baseball, eating hot dogs, etc. Yesterday, I was scheduling a deposition for April and noticed that we had a pretty busy schedule, except for April 10. So I scheduled the deposition for that day. Turns out, April 10 is the first home game in the new stadium for the Cardinals. Oh, well. I didn't have tickets anyway. I hope my opposing counsel didn't either. If he did, he should have marked that day off in his calendar.

Anyway, back to normal.

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