Wednesday, February 08, 2006

"Alberta Clipper" Clarification

I just noticed in the Wikipedia entry for "Alberta Clipper" that Missouri is not one of the states named. Excuse me, Alberta Clipper, but what are you doing in Missouri? Or, maybe I should correct the Wikipedia entry to add Missouri. I've never edited a Wikipedia entry before.

Also, if you click on the "discussion" tab at the top of the page, you find that there are not only Alberta Clippers, but also Manitoba Maulers and Saskatchewan Screamers. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere involving a Canadian, a hockey team and some maple syrup, but I'm too congested and doped up on cold medicine to think of one. Sorry, my Canadian friends.

By the way, Chris said I was getting lazy for posting pictures the past few days. I'm not lazy . . . well, sometimes I am . . . but you have to understand, cold medicine makes me zombie-like. I'm in a fog. Words don't form. Synapses don't fire. I couldn't even finish my Sudoku last night. It's terrible. But, I am starting to feel better. And I've also really enjoyed using the link feature. Can't you tell?


Janet said...

As one of your 'Canadian' friends, let me add a few observations. In a hockey game, when another player skates by and 'clips' you by knocking you off balance with a shoulder to shoulder move, you experience a slight annoyance--hence the clipper. And you remember living in Oklahoma when the wind comes 'screaming' down the plain? (well maybe that is a slight liberality with the wording.) But just imagine that wind at 30 below zero--you would scream like those crazy Saskatchewanians. And then the obvious, when you are dumped on with 30-40 inches of snow (or in Canadian about 80 centimeters added on to the 2 meters already laying there) there is a very real sense of being mauled. You feel it when it takes a big shovel and a few hours to dig your way to freedom. It is on those days that it feels better to stay in eat pancakes topped with some good St. Joes maple syrup and wait for the game to come on--and you know which game I'm talking about.

Yeah, I guess I can see some humor in that--but what is more funny is the thought of a friend in St. Louis 'doped up on meds' pondering the Canadian winter weather systems. By the way, I am truly sorry you're not feeling well.


Melissa said...

Thanks -- I am feeling MUCH better and now drug free for 8.4 hours! Boy, after the lesson on Canadian weather patterns, I'm glad we just had the "Clipper!"

Hope you are all doing well!