Friday, December 09, 2005

House Call

I don't watch much TV, mostly because I have a two year old who wants to watch Elmo, Shrek, Thomas or Buzz every few minutes. (If you know who those names refer to, my condolences. You have children, too.)

However, on Tuesday nights, there is a show that Chris and I both enjoy. The kids MUST be in bed by 8pm so that we can watch "House" on Fox. I know, I know, it seems it's just another one in a long line of medical dramas, but really, it's not. It's witty and keeps you guessing as Dr. House and his team of doctors try to find out what obscure illnesses are killing their patients this week.

Plus, you get a glimpse into the private life of a crippled, drug-dependent, lonely, bitter, cocky doctor. Hugh Laurie plays the title role, and I'm really enjoying his character. You may remember Hugh Laurie from such films as "Stuart Little" and "Stuart Little II." Yes, he was the dad. But he's oh so much better as Dr. House.

This week, I was disappointed that Fox chose to run some awards show instead of "House." I'm sure with Christmas coming up, they will also fill in that time slot with Christmas-based movies of some sort. Hopefully we'll get a new episode soon.

I actually looked into getting TiVo just for this show. (And "Arrested Development" but alot of good that will do me because Fox cancelled it after this season. BOO!)

Anyway, I'm looking forward to one day when we can watch TV uninterrupted, follow the plot lines, and not have to plan our TV schedule around the Wiggles or Elmo.


Anonymous said...

We agree! House is one of the shows we can't miss each week. Fortunately, we do have Tivo. I don't know what we ever did with out it!!! Tuesday night is a big night because House comes on FOX and The Office plays on NBC. I don't think we will see any new episodes until after Christmas.

I hope you are all doing well. Give Brandon and Matthew a hug for me!


Gabe said...

I agree House is the best show on television today. It's great watching this House have to do his Clinical duty. The woman doctor, Cameron, is hot as hell. My favorite line from the show to date is when House wears his motorcycle jacket to one of their meetings that he was late to. Dr. Cameron says "nice jacket". House says "yeah makes me look cool and hot. How does it know!"