Tuesday, November 08, 2005

A Guest Post from Brandon -- Part 7

When I was fighting evil washcloths, I figured out that you had to spray a lot of water on them. And they just kept coming. So I ran out of water. I called 911, which there was really no need to. And the firefighters said "Where's the fire?" I said, "There wasn't." The firefighters got annoyed. I said, "We need to spray those walking washcloths." And they were all gone. I told Mom that it was getting late. The waiters were clumsy, so let's go get something to eat somewhere else.

The next day, I got ready for school and when I got there I was working on all this stuff and when I went out to recess, there was a bat on the wall. It was asleep. And it was a baby. And everyone yelling woke it up. And then it flew away and it flew right straight down into the power plant's wasteful dump. And it got mutated. And it went into the chimney, where there were a lot more bats.

Oh, did I mention they were vampire bats? So they all got bit and mutated and I had a plan to scare them off. So I got an army of people to take balls and throw them at the bats. And they got scared off. They flew over to New Mexico and I don't know what happened over there. Some guy threw a ball and knocked over a pole that some guy put banana nut bread on top of it and the banana nut bread got turned into a mutant.

To be continued . . .

Oh. The banana nut bread had red, sharp pointy eyes and bananas for teeth.

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