Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Fibbin' Starts Early!

I put Matthew to bed just minutes ago, secure in the fact that he'd fall asleep and blissfully snooze for the next 11 hours.

Oh, how wrong I was.

Here's how Matthew scored a bedtime reprieve:

Mama puts him in the bed. She walks away to a distant part of the house.

Matthew devises a plan.

Matthew yells, "Mama! I stinky!"

Daddy, within earshot, hears the distress cry, answers the call and picks up the baby: "Matthew, are you stinky?"

Matthew, satisfied that Daddy is not heartless enough to dump him back in his crib, confesses: "Not stinky. Rock."

Daddy succumbs to the cuteness. He and Matthew are now rocking.

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