Monday, September 26, 2005


Well, I am now gainfully employed and today was my first day. I think I'm really going to like where I work, but I have a lot of learning to do. I have a massive headache right now that I am attributing to first-day stress and a significant reduction in my caffeine intake due to actually having stuff to do.

Anyway, I may not post as often as I did previously, but I hope to continue to provide my family (and anyone else who's curious) a glimpse into our crazy lives. I won't be posting about my job or anything associated with it, because people have lost their jobs over that and I really want to keep my job. I will tell you that I have an awesome view of Busch Stadium from my window and I will be able to watch them tearing the old one down. Too bad they're not going to implode it; they are ahead of schedule and decided to knock it down with a wrecking ball.

I scouted out some lunchtime eateries and found STL Bread Co. (which is Panera Bread), Curry in a Hurry, and lots of others. I'm looking forward to working downtown!

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