Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Mama! Ppphhhhbbbbtt!

Today Matthew discovered a new game. As we were driving back from church tonight, we (and I mean Brandon) decided to stop by the custard factory for some fish bait and turtles (fish bait: cookies & cream ice cream and gummy worms; turtles: caramel, pecans, fudge) and Matthew needed attention while we were stopped in the drive thru. Here's how it went:

Matthew: Mama!

Mama: (peeking around seat) What, baby?

Matthew: Ppphhhhhhbbbbttt! (lots of spitting, Brandon burying his head in the seat to keep from laughing.)

Mama: Baby!


Matthew: Mama!

And so it goes. His father would not be amused. However, it was pretty funny.

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